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Diane Harshman


Certified Developmental Alphabioticist-FL

Diane is a healing professional with more than 40 years experience in several different healing modalities. Her expertise includes rebooting the brain as a Certified Alphabioticist (al-fuh-bi-OTT-tuh-cyst). Alphabiotics relieves the negative effects of stress on the body. Unrelieved stress is the root cause of all of life’s challenges.My name is Diane Harshman. I have studied and practiced Energy Healing going on 42 years. In 1976, I began my journey in search for clarity and direction in my life's work. I was living a life of uncertainty, but I always knew there was something more for me in my life.So, where has my journey lead me to this point? I have taken several classes with Deepak Chopra at his center in California. I am a Certified Alphabioticist (rebooting the brain), Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist RCST®s, Certified Matrix practitioner, Reconnective Healing®, MEH, and studied Pranic Healing. I am now a "Certified Access Facilitator", ready to teach a class or just run your Bars.So, in closing, my message to you is "follow the energy, feel it, learn to receive." "Everything is Energy".

Contact Information

160 Cypress Point Pkwy #A201, Palm Coast, FL 32164, US
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