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Clark Reddick


Certified Developmental Alphabioticist-MA

The Boston Alphabiotic Center for Health and Wellness - Private Association

Stress relief and recovery specialist - maintaining continuous board certification in Developmental Alphabiotics since 2012. Student of Macrobiotics, Homeopathy, soft tissue mobilization and biomagnetism. Studied with Dr. Virgil Chrane, Moises Goiz, David Graston, Jerry Kantor and Warren Kramer. Clark has been helping others live more naturally for 25 years.

"Your mind and body have an incredible capacity to self heal, but the stress response gets inthe way. Many are rediscovering their true potential through this amazing process." - Clark Reddick at Waltham, Massachusetts - 2012

Volunteer and Committee work:

Alphabiotic Training Academy Board - consultant
The Alphabiotic Training Academy Certification Committee (ATACC) - current
The Committee for Access and Protection of Complimentary and Alternative Healthcare, MA - 2018

Contact Information

Waltham, MA
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