
~ Sharon, California

After only 6 weeks of receiving regular Alignments I can lay flat on my back to sleep! I haven’t been able to do this in years.

~ Robert Halpenny

I’m someone who’s been very active.  I’ve played high school sports, college sports , military sports and I continue to train almost every day.  I also use my body to make a living.  I’ve done dangerous work in the woods as a helicopter logger, and I spent 20 years as a PGA golf professional.  Nowadays, I run ultra marathons and coach marathon runners.  I’ve been a certified RKC kettlebell instructor and currently coach people in the art of the kettlebell swing.  I regularly cycle over 8000 foot mountain passes.  I’m strict about my diet and sleep.  In short, I know my body well and I always do my best to stay healthy and strong.

 Two years ago, all my wonderful movement practices ground to a painful halt.  I was in so much pain I could barely walk around the block.  My piriformis and psoas were rebelling and my active lifestyle was becoming much more sedentary.  I had to put my clients on hold.  Was I getting too old?  Had abused my body too much when I thought I was doing everything possible to keep it healthy?

 That’s when a friend took me to see an Alphabioticist.  During my initial session he demonstrated how my body was not bilaterally balanced, he explained that it was likely due to the stress and trauma of everyday life.  I’m sure that hitting thousands of right-handed golf shots over 40 years may have had something to do with it too!  My brain was not connecting with my body and vice versa.

 The Alphabiotic Alignment turned things around for me.  The first session I noticed both a mental and a physical change.  My vision actually improved, my posture was more upright, I could walk with more ease and my senses seemed to reawaken.  Within just a few weeks of work with Alphabiotics my pain disappeared, my walking/running stride opened back up and I regained my active life.  I feel like I have no limitations.  I doubt that I would be feeling this way today without Alphabioticsl.

 Through 74 years of living and intensive training I’ve sought the help of many different types of health practitioners, and I’ve never experienced such a remarkable improvement towards health and performance.  I highly recommend Alphabiotics.

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